Benjamin Dome
(British, b. 1979)

Benjamin Dome began his photographic career in London capturing real life portraits of people and their stories.  He has worked for top international publications, newspapers and agencies including Getty Images, the Times and NBC, and at the age of 21 was one of the youngest war photographers covering the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. 

In 2004 he was given the opportunity to travel to Ethiopia by Dr. David Turton, one of the world's leading anthropologists and then Senior Research Fellow for African Studies at the University of Oxford.  This introduction to the Mursi tribe led to deep ties with multiple generations of its members, affording him unprecedented access to this fascinating and largely misunderstood society.    

In 2005 Dome won top prizes in the Lauderdale House photographic competition and was given a solo exhibition there. His show “Culture and Conflict” featured his work with the Mursi and the Middle East conflict, cementing his reputation as a photographer of profound insight.       

In his latest project, A Tribe at the Crossroads:  20 years in Ethiopia, Dome delves into the struggles faced by the Mursi tribe as they navigate the challenges of modernity while striving to preserve their traditional ways of life.  The months he has spent living among the Mursi ensures that Dome’s lens portrays them not as exotic subjects but as individuals with dignity and humanity. 

Dome's intimate and deeply human photographs continue to illuminate the universal values and challenges faced by people around the world, celebrating the resilience and beauty of the human spirit.   

For more information on Dr. David Turton’s work with the Mursi Tribe: 

Tribe at the crossroads

Suri tribe 2024


The Present

Village Life